Tamara House
She draws inspiration from many things outside of dance. Her artistic journey is mostly fueled by her curiosity for movement in general and the way the body can adapt and learn so many different things. The body and mind aspect fascinates her a lot, because it allows her to dig deeper into what she feels is possible through visualization in the mind, to then bring it into the physical aspect.
Over the years, her focus has shifted from martial arts to theater, movement culture, fitness, and many other things. She feels that this broad level of interests has shaped her significantly in her dance journey. By incorporating certain key principles, it has helped her to develop not only her language through movement but also herself as a person.
The HipHop and House community are a space purely for people like her. “Being honest about what you feel and how you go about things. It’s important to honor your core values and uphold them through your actions in communion with the other people in it.” It’s about honesty but also respect in that togetherness. She feels that this is also something she brings to the forefront in her teachings, the way we all should be with people in general. Again, back to just being.